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Q: When is the best time to attend hypnobirthing classes?

A: It is never too late to empower yourself for a calm and positive birth. However, I find the best time to attend my classes is between 20 and 30 weeks gestation. This gives you enough time to practice your skills. Whatever your timeframe and circumstances, please email me and we can come up with a plan to meet your needs.

Q: How are Hypnobirthing Australia™ classes different from other forms of childbirth education?

A: The Hypnobirthing Australia™, Positive Birth Program is comprehensive and evidence-based, empowering women and their partners to have a positive, calm, easy birth. Hypnobirthing focuses on the power of the mind and the natural ability of the body to give birth. We are the leader in independent childbirth education in Australia and provide women and their birthing partners with the tools and techniques to achieve a safe, calm birth.

Q: Are Hypnobirthing Australia™ classes only for those want a drug-free natural birth? 

A: No, our classes are suitable for anyone wishing to have a calm, positive birth experience. We aim to equip women and their partners with the tools and techniques to achieve a natural birth, however understand special circumstances often arise. Empowered with confidence, knowledge and the right tools hypnobirthing parents are able to make the right decision at the right time no matter what turn their birthing journey takes. 

I am particularly passionate about helping those;


  • Wanting to achieve a VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarean).
  • Wanting to achieve a low-intervention, natural birth.

  • Hoping for a positive experience after having had a traumatic birth in the past.

  • Who would like to achieve a positive, calm caesarean or induction birth.

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